Bonus Content – Claimed by the Cyborgs

Danika, Prillon Prime
The beautiful baby girl in my arms gave up the struggle to keep her eyes open, a sweet grin on her face as she drifted from awake to asleep and back.
Her name was Daphne and her mother was in a warm bed next to us fast asleep. The rocking chair, I’d insisted one be installed in every woman’s room—rocking was soothing for everyone, not just babies—was cushioned and soft, the footstool the perfect height for aching feet.
There were two Prillon nurses in attendance at the new women’s center at all times. Another female operational manager who made sure the Earth women had everything they needed, from clean towels and new clothes to their favorite foods. Every woman now had an IPU so they could understand what was being said to them and had received lessons on use of the ReGen wands in the medical station and the S-Gen machines that made clothes or just about anything else they could want or need.
Except to go home. To forget everything that had happened to them. Even Prillon technology could not achieve that.
They were adjusting, some better than others, slowly getting their bearings. Some of them wanted to go home, back to Earth. It wasn’t possible, not with the integrations the Nexus unit had placed in their bodies. Not that the Prillons wouldn’t allow them to go back to Earth. No. Earth didn’t want them.
A good reminder of why I’d left the damn place to begin with. Sometimes, I hated people. There was only one person back on Earth I cared about, my brother Josh. I missed him, wondered if I would ever see him again or find out what happened to him. I loved him and I missed his prison visits. Not that I wanted to go back, but I did love my little brother. So sad that I might never know if he got married, had children, graduated, was happy.
I really wanted him to be happy.
My mates stirred in my mind and I sensed their approach through our mating collars.
Rising slowly, I carried the baby to her little crib next to her mother’s bed and settled her for her nap. She wiggled a bit before settling back into adorable sleep.
She really was a beautiful baby.
And I was so glad she wasn’t mine. I loved holding the infants, helping their mothers, cuddling and kissing them. Still, I had no desire to be a mother.
Doctor Helion—I had to try very hard to remember that jerk was actually a doctor—had pulled us into a meeting with Prime Nial, Jessica and her second, a massive, scary Prillon with a huge scar down one side of his face, to tell us all that he did not recommend Thomar or Varin father children. With the experimental implants still active and expanding in all three of us, the doctors had no idea what would happen if we had children. I’d been worried my mates would be upset.
Instead, they had only been concerned about me. Once they learned I was not upset about the news, they’d tied me to our bed and fucked me until I forgot my own name.
I quite enjoyed their worry.
We were all in agreement, children were not worth the risk of something going terribly wrong, with me or with an infant.
I could speak to both of my mates telepathically now, even at a distance. The experience was odd and reassuring all at once. There was nowhere they could go that I could not reach them.
Speaking of my mates…
Smiling, I tiptoed out of the dimly lit room and into the corridor of the new women’s center. My mates stood in the corridor, waiting.
“Danika, you are well?” Varin asked. “We felt your sadness.”
Yeah. Really, really connected. I reached for him, framed his face in both hands and showed him exactly how wonderful I was feeling.
Thomar stood with his arms crossed and his brow raised when I let Varin go. Grinning at him, I gave him the same greeting.
God help me, I love these two warriors to distraction.
When I finally released Thomar, his hard cock pressed to my belly and Varin looking at me like he wanted to lick me all over—again—I took each of my mates’ by the hand and led them away from the private quarters toward Prime Nial’s palace where we now had a suite of rooms all to ourselves.
Thomar released my hand to run his palm down my back in a loving caress over my newly generated, violet dress. It was off the shoulder, snug to the waist and then draped in soft, silky folds down to my ankles and soft, violet ankle high boots. I felt like a fairy princess. After wearing prison clothes for so long I dressed in the softest, most beautiful things I could make. I loved the S-Gen machine. Loved it.
“You are stunning, and very sexy, in the Arcas colors,” Thomar was smiling. He did that quite often these days.
“Thank you.” I squeezed his hand and we walked across the courtyard toward a side entrance to the palace. Several warriors wore violet belts or cuffs on their tunics. As we passed, they each bowed their head, just a bit, in a show of respect for me and my mates.
Claiming my mates in the arena had turned Thomar, who had been infamous before, into a full-blown legend. Varin, too, was recognized and treated like a prince wherever he went. They deserved to be adored. Worshipped. Respected. My mates had sacrificed everything for these people. Everything.
We entered the palace and I was surprised to find my new BFF, Jessica, waiting for me with a smile on her face. She clapped her hands together when she saw us. Varin squeezed my hand.
“Success?” he asked.
“Yes. He’s waiting in my office.”
Thomar and Varin locked their emotions up tight and I frowned at all three of them. Jessica—who knew I would become best friends with a queen—looked like she was about to burst with excitement.
“What? Who is waiting?”
“Come on. You’ll see!” Jessica grabbed my hand and pulled me along to her private office. Thomar and Varin followed a step behind, their thoughts and feelings giving nothing away.
They were up to something.
Jessica opened the door to her office and stepped aside, indicating I should go in first.
Curious now, I walked into her private space and came to face-to-face with Josh, his smiling face on a large screen that took up half of a wall.
I froze. “Josh?”
“Hey, sis.”
Stunned, I could not speak as tears rolled down my cheeks. Thomar and Varin came up behind me, each placing a hand on one of my shoulders as they introduced themselves to my baby brother.
Jessica quietly closed the door and left us alone as Josh and I stared at each other. I was shocked to see him, but his jaw was hanging open.
“Holy shit, Danika. You look amazing. I’m so happy for you.”
“Thanks.” Turning, I looked at each of my mates—my heart in my eyes, love exploding at both of them through our collars—before introducing them. Josh, Thomar and Varin greeted one another and then Josh and I were staring at each other again. I had no idea what to say. “I missed you. So much.”
“I missed you, too. But then this really huge dude named Tane showed up at my dorm. He had a tablet and he told me anytime I want to talk to you, all I have to do is tap on your picture on the screen. And, here I am!”
“Tane?” I turned to Thomar. “Who is Tane?”
“He’s an Atlan Warlord currently on Earth to participate in the mating theater. We asked him to do this favor for you.” I was going to melt into the floor.
“God, I love you.” I turned to Varin, knowing he had played a part as well. “You, too. You are too good to me.” I could feel them and their pleasure that their scheming had pleased me.
“Never.” Varin kissed my temple and I leaned into him until Josh cleared his throat.
“He’s on Earth for Bachelor Beast,” Josh said. “They’ve been advertising the new season already. Apparently, Tane is next. I looked him up after he showed up here. Warlord is right. He’s massive. Like, freaking huge.”
“He’s an Atlan,” I said, as if that explained everything. Well, it did. “How is school? How are you? Are you dating anyone? Have you made friends? Are you happy?”
“A couple of my classes are tough, but I’m having fun.”
Tears. Lots of tears. I was so happy. Josh. I was talking to Josh. I wasn’t going to lose him.
Thomar and Varin each kissed me and I knew they were going to leave me to speak to my brother alone. I was nearly speechless with the gift they had given me.
As they left, I swallowed past the lump in my throat and called out to them. “Warriors?”
They each turned to face me where they stood, halfway to the door.
“Yes, love?” Thomar said.
“I love you and I’m going to show you just how much when you get home from your council meeting.”
They smiled, bowed at the waist and left, closing the door behind them. But they weren’t really gone. I could still feel them.
Love. Desire. Contentment. Our collars created a great big mosh pit of chaos and heat and happiness. Thomar and Varin were mine. I was theirs.
We were home.