Bonus Content – Dragon Chains

Katy followed Ryker through the courtyard and through the same doors Erik and his Guardians had taken her through just a few days before. This time the pounding of her pulse was excitement, not fear, for Ryker had promised to take her flying, something she never imagined would be possible in her lifetime.
The ocean sparkled under the light of a half moon, the waves crashing loudly onto the beach below. Ryker held her hand, gently leading her through the rocks and down toward the edge of the water.
“Tonight, I will give you everything,” Ryker vowed. “Tonight, I will show you what it means to be Draquonir, mia regina.”
Standing in the surf, her bare toes curled in the sand and she eagerly accepted the kiss and dragonfire that came with it. Ryker was hers now, both sides of him, man and beast.
In her mind, the dragon’s telepathic protest came immediately. I am no beast. I am a dragon. You are my fire.
I am only a woman, Dragon.
You are mine. My mate. My dragonfire.
Ryker broke the kiss and the dragon’s presence was smug in her mind.
“Do you mind? I’m trying to kiss our female.”
Later, human. Tonight is mine.
Ryker cradled her face in both hands, the look in his eyes full of a love so strong she never would have believed it possible. He kissed her once more, gently this time, before pulling back with a smile. “Best not keep the ornery old beast waiting.”
Katy laughed, crossed her arms and stepped back, her heart racing as the magic of Ryker’s shift took her breath away, as it always did.
Seconds later her sparkling black dragon stood before her, his eyes glittering with joy.
Mate, we fly!
Katy walked forward, palms sweating as her dragon lowered his wing for her to climb up onto his back. “Are you sure this is safe? I am clumsy, you know. What if I fall off?”
Dragon snorted as if she had offended him. Impossible, the fire binds us.
Katy had no idea what he was talking about until she settled on the dragon’s back, her feet dangling on either side of his mighty neck. Feeling unstable, she reached down and placed flat palms against his shimmering scales. At once, it was as if strong magnetic forces held her in place, sparks of dragonfire burning around her hands where their flesh connected.
No shoes. Dragon reminded her of Ryker’s instructions earlier in the evening.
“Ah, now I understand.” Katy lifted the riding skirt Ryker had given her so that her entire leg, from thigh to toe, made contact with the dragon’s skin, the fire lighting along the way to keep her warm and connected to her mate.
Katy threw her head back and laughed. “This is incredible!”
Dragon is better than human, mate.
Katy felt Ryker’s argument stirring in her mind, so she sent a sensual mental kiss his direction and grinned down at her beast. “You are, indeed, a very handsome dragon.”
I am beyond beautiful, mate.
“Indeed. I have no words.” And she didn’t. Instead, she focused on sending him her feelings through their telepathic link. Happiness. Excitement. Joy. And love, for she did love Ryker with every cell in her body, both parts of him. “I’m ready.”
Dragon lifted his head and stood, spread his wings wide. Flapping mightily, he lifted his head to the skies and roared.
More than a dozen dragons responded, the rest of Ryker’s clan launching from the rock cliff far above them in a chorus of roars that made Katy wonder how on Earth the local villagers didn’t know about these creatures living among them. So she asked.
Of course they know.
Village elders are gifted with the knowledge. We protect them and provide for their people. Only the human leaders know of us, but they have served us, known of our clan, for centuries. We are Draquonir. We protect.
Katy was still wrapping her head around the fact that there were people in the village who knew about the dragons, trusted elders who were sworn to secrecy. “What happens If they tell people about you? I thought no humans could know.”
The punishment for betrayal is death.
Well, that answered that question.
When the dragons from the cliff were all out beyond the edge of the beach, circling in something that looked similar to a flying formation, Ryker’s dragon gave a mighty heave and lifted them from the ground. The great wings whipped through the air with a resounding snapping sound, each burst of activity lifting them higher and higher in the air as dragonfire flowed through her veins. She and her dragon were one.
Where do you want to fly, beloved?
“Show me something beautiful.”
I shall give you the stars.
Ryker flew higher and higher, until the clouds surrounded them like a shield of protection that moved through Katy’s outstretched fingers like mist.
Higher and higher they flew until the clouds were far below and nothing remained above but the blackest sky and countless stars. Connected as they were, she felt only warmth and the buzz of magic through her veins. Ryker flew for hours, his clan in formation around him, protecting them as Katy burned with both dragonfire and love for her mate.
“How long can we fly?” she asked.
“I am yours to command.”
Katy smiled with glee and laid down to rest her face against Dragon’s neck. “All night it is.”