Bonus Content – Her Cyborg Warriors

Her Cyborg Warriors

Her Cyborg Warriors, Bonus Content

Mikki, Coalition Fleet Academy
A few weeks later…

“You look more afraid of the water than the Hive. New training protocol includes learning how to swim.”

I stood between Surnen and Trax as we listened to Vice Admiral Niobe address the group of Prillon cadets who stood along the edge of the newly made pool. She was wrapping a towel around her shoulders as she’d just climbed from the pool, demonstrating that the water wasn’t toxic or, like the oceans on Prillon Prime, filled with frightening creatures.

In reality she was shaming them all. If she could do it, the cadets could. She’d gone across the length using the freestyle stroke, then flipped over and demonstrated the backstroke for her return trip. Then she went under the water and swam across beneath the surface. A few panicked that she was going to die under there, but I’d stood in awe of her lung capacity. Niobe was flipping cool. After that, she did a backflip like a kid and then spat water into the air like a little fountain in the hopes of being a little funny. That hadn’t worked all that well. After that, she climbed out of the pool and grabbed a towel.

There were about twenty of them. There was no such thing as bathing suits in space, so a modified unisex one was made as uniform for this class. They were black and looked like a thin wet suit without any sleeves. The water was set to a balmy eighty-five degrees, so no one would complain about being cold… once they got in.

Prime Nial had heard of the mess on planet Vulari and the blatant vulnerability in a fighter’s skills. Vice Admiral Niobe had been inserted into the core group created to address the issue that not one Prillon or Atlan in space, and very few other fighters—minus those from Earth, Everis and a few Viken who had fallen off their simple boats and had been forced to learn right then and there—knew how to swim.

It boggled my mind, but I was new to space and there were tons of things I knew nothing about. I still had yet to figure out the S-Gen machine, so I wasn’t going to mess with anyone. That seemed to be Niobe’s job. And she seemed to enjoy prodding them. The bigger, the better.

Her mate, a smoking hot Everian Hunter, stood off to the side with his arms crossed and a grin on his face as she forced the reluctant warriors to get into the swimming pool. You’d think she was asking a herd of cats to get in a bathtub.

“You saw the comm vids and you each have a kickboard. Cadets, get in the water. Now.”

They didn’t say anything, but the pace at which they completed her command was very slow. Practically as one, they sat on the side of the pool, feet dangling in, then turned around and lowered themselves, death grips on the edge.

“Good job. Now let’s begin class.”

“Want to join them?” I asked, tipping my head toward Surnen to keep my voice low.

Leaning down, he replied, “I thought we were going to have a private lesson later.”

That was true. While neither Surnen nor Trax were eager to get back in the water—the incident on Vulari had somewhat ruined the fun of swimming—they were insistent on the all Coalition Fleet fighters learning the skill. Including themselves.

I nodded and we went back to watching. I’d convince them. I loved the water, and anything I loved that much would bleed through to them through the collars. The power of emotion flowed more than one direction, and I had no problem taking full advantage of that fact whenever possible.

We watched until my ass ached on the hard observation bench. After an hour, the new swimmers were all able to kick themselves across the pool using the kickboard. They’d all held their breaths and sat on the bottom in the shallow end. Some had jumped off the side in the deep end, but Niobe had said this was the tadpole class, but in a few weeks, they’d be sharks.

The had no idea what a shark was, but I had taken enough swim lessons as a kid to recognize the familiar ranking system. Tadpoles. Guppies. Minnows. Dolphins. Sharks. I’d been a “shark” since I was five years old, and I longed to get in the water with them. I ached for it.

The cadets got out of the pool with more haste than their entry, but they looked more relaxed and some may have even enjoyed themselves. Niobe turned to us. “The pool’s all yours for an hour.” She didn’t wait for any kind of reply, just turned on her heel and followed behind the cadets. I noticed her mate had already joined up with her once she’d left the pool deck. He was quick, I’d give him that. And I hadn’t even seen him move. Made sense now—the rumor I’d heard—that he was also her personal bodyguard.
I took a step forward and breathed in the unmistakable smell of water and turned to face my own mates. “Ready?” I asked as their gazes raked over every inch of me.

We were all in the wet suit style outfits.

“I liked what you wore when surfing on Earth much better,” Trax grumbled, pointing at me. I’d heard a lot of talk about the bikini’s I’d been wearing in more than one photo shoot back on Earth. Once they both learned how to swim, I had a surprise planned for them. Golden. Small. I wasn’t Princess Leia, but the golden bikini I had hidden in our quarters back on The Colony was just waiting for them.

I looked down. While the Academy swimsuit was form fitting, it screamed modesty. And neither Trax nor Surnen were modest. Especially not Surnen.

“You can have me naked in the shower later. I’m not taking this off—” I tugged at the waist of my suit. “—at a place as public as the Academy.” I narrowed my eyes. “You’re stalling.”

I turned around and dove into the pool. When I popped above the surface, both mates were standing at the edge, worry lining their faces. They knew I could swim and yet they still panicked.

This wasn’t the first time we’d used the pool. This was their fourth private lesson and we’d be here at the Academy another few days to ensure the classes were going well. Niobe had it well in hand—she was human and knew how to swim like a fish—and we’d be able to head back to The Colony, and no water.

“Let’s play a game.”

Surnen arched a gold eyebrow and Trax crossed his arm over his chest.
“Whoever catches me gets to fuck me any way he wants when we get back to our guest quarters.”

They paused for a second then looked to each other. “If we catch her together, we can fuck her together,” Trax said.

Surnen nodded.

They jumped into the pool at the same time, their formerly awkward attempts to swim suddenly much improved.

“Have you been hustling me?”

“I shall hustle to catch you, mate.” Surnen moved to my left as Trax moved to my right. My only option was down in the deep end.

I lured them closer. Waited. Waited.

Trax lunged.

I squeaked and dove for the bottom of the pool, barely skimming beneath both of their feet as I slipped past them like an eel.

“I have a game for you, female.” Surnen’s golden eyes were like lasers and I lifted my brows, waiting. Treading water. They both clung to one side of the pool, arm stretched from their grip on the side to get them as close to me as possible.

If they lunged, I would be dangerously close. Moving farther from them, I prodded my mates. “What game?”

My smile grew when Surnen’s scowl darkened. But this was too much fun to give in so quickly. I was going to make them work for it. For me. They were too damn serious and needed a little more fun in their lives. Both of them.
Surnen let go of the side and drifted toward me. “How about we all practice holding our breath under water.”

Trax released his hold on the side and moved forward as well. They were like sharks now, circling me where I was treading water in the center of the pool.

Hmmm. This was interesting. What was my mate up to?

Surnen’s scowl turned into something hot and dominant. “Trax you count. I’m going first.”

At that moment, Trax’s arms came up around me and I was caught. Trapped. Pinned. He dragged me backward through the water until he could stand, his feet touching the bottom. Surnen swam toward me now, smiling.

He kissed me. I kissed him back as Trax held me safely above water. We all knew that wanted to be caught. To be fucked by both of them.

When I was gasping for air, Surnen dove, his hands ripped open my swimsuit and his mouth clamped down on my core as Trax whispered in my ear.

One. Two. Three…

I gave in. Surrendered. I was theirs and they were mine. My brave cyborg warriors.