Bonus Content – Maid For The Beast

Warlord Braun
I smiled through the pain as my body appeared on the transport pad aboard Battleship Karter. Being away from my new mate, Angela, caused the mating cuffs around my wrists to shoot spears of fire up my forearms, but I smiled with each jolt.
My beast, apparently, was a masochist, because he actually preened with the reminder that our mate was missing us. Needed us. Was devoted to us. Awaited our return.
Was carrying our unborn child.
I’d even transported to Earth three days past, with Warlord Jorik’s help and against Governor Maxim’s orders, to acquire a cold treat called Rocky Road Ice Cream for my female. Now I knew what the concoction was to create with the S-Gen machine as needed.
The kiss she’d given me had been worth the tongue lashing the governor had bestowed upon my return. And licking the sweet confection from my mate’s skin?
My beast growled at the memory and the transport tech jumped. “Warlord Braun. Welcome aboard the Karter.”
“Where is the commander?” The thief had something that belonged to my female, and I was here to get it back at any cost. I’d put Commander Karter on his ass if necessary.
Anything and everything to ensure my mate was pampered, happy and taken care of. Anything. Including a transport halfway across the fucking universe to teach Commander Karter a much-needed lesson.
“The commander is expecting you, Warlord. You can find him in his private quarters.”
I didn’t bother with a response. I’d served enough time on a battleship to know where the commander’s quarters would be found.
His personal space was before me within a few minutes, and so were two heavily armed Prillon guards, which was highly unusual. They spotted me, stood taller and drew their weapons. “State your business, Warlord. I don’t recognize you.”
The dark skinned Prillon narrowed his eyes and watched me without flinching. A worthy foe perhaps, were I not here on my female’s personal business. My beast would tear him to pieces if he stood in my way much longer. “Move aside, Prillon. The commander is expecting me.”
The second guard chuckled and put his weapon away. “You’re in trouble, Warlord. Commander Karter’s mate is unhappy, and he is raging that you are to blame.”
I realized they had both been harassing me for their personal entertainment. “Commander Wothar is not much better than Karter. They are both angry with you.”
I tipped my head. “Open the door.”
With a chuckle, the second Prillon comm’d the commander and announced my presence. Seconds later the door to his personal quarters slid open.
I expected to see a crying human female huddled around a ball of white fur.
What I saw made me burst out with laughter, a new occurrence since mating with my Angela. “Commander?”
Commander Karter was sprawled on the floor, flat on his back, with a hissing Oscar sitting mid-chest, staring the commander down. Karter was smiling at my mate’s pet. He glanced my way for but a moment before Oscar hissed once more to regain the commander’s attention. “He will not allow me to rise from the floor, Braun. What is this creature?”
I walked to the commander, bent down and lifted Oscar into my arms. He was purring, of all things. Loudly. “He likes you,” I commented.
“I told him that!” The commander’s female appeared from their bedchamber dressed in a lovely gown with a radiant smile on her face. “That is your mate’s cat?”
“Yes. Obviously, he has discovered a way into The Colony’s transport room.”
“Cats always find a way. What’s his name?”
“Oscar. My mate named him after someone known as Oscar the Grouch.”
Karter’s mate burst into peels of laughter as her second, Commander Wothar, followed behind her, appearing out of the bedchamber. He was dressed for a mission and I suspected he would not linger.
“Kaed, get up. You’re making a fool of yourself.”
“The furred creature would not allow me to rise. He hissed at me when I tried.”
“Kaed. You are adorable.” Their human mate spoke to Karter but placed her hand in Commander Wothar’s and pulled him in close for a kiss. “Now do you see why we should get one?”
Oscar purred at obnoxiously loud levels as I rubbed him just the way he liked behind his ears. I stared at the female. “A cat? You wish to have a cat on the battleship?”
She looked at me with a smile that I knew meant Commanders Karter and Wothar were in deep, deep trouble. “Oh, yes. I want a tabby. A furry, round tabby and I’m going to name him Garfield.”
“What is a tabby?” I asked.
She kissed Commander Wothar on the cheek, released his hand and walked toward me to pet Oscar. He bumped her hand with his head in clear approval of her plan and I lowered my arms so she would not have to stand on her tiptoes to reach him. “It’s a striped orange and white cat. This one looks like a Persian.” She rubbed him some more, her voice going soft and sweet, making Commander Karter growl. “You’re a pretty boy, aren’t you? So sweet. Aren’t you a sweetie? You aren’t a grouch, are you, baby?”
I looked down at Commander Karter, who had pulled himself up into a sitting position, one knee bent, the other leg straight as we watched his mate give love and attention to my Angela’s Oscar. “He is an Oscar.”
She laughed again. Oscar purred. Commander Wothar cursed. “Fuck. Looks like we’re getting our female a pet, Kaed.”
Commander Karter stood and reached for his mate, pulling her back to his chest and wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. “Is this what you want, mate? A purring little creature with claws?”
“Yes. Isn’t he cute?”
I watched with satisfaction as a look of resignation passed between the two commanders. Their mate was going to get what she wanted, just as mine did.
I cleared my throat. “I would stay and catch up, but my mate is very worried about her pet. And I will not allow her to worry in her condition.”
“Congratulations on the baby!” The commander’s mate leapt forward and hugged me and Oscar all in one. “Tell Angela I can’t wait to meet her and that I wish you both the very best.”
“I will. Thank you.” I bowed to them all and walked to the door. When the exit appeared, I looked back at Commander Karter and allowed my beast to rise to the surface and smile with every bit of satisfaction he was feeling. Our mate was perfect. Happy. Beautiful. And we were going back to her. Now. Right fucking now.
The white furball would make her happy. And then I would fuck her until she melted in bliss.
Life was perfect. Fucking perfect at last.
I spoke to their female, but my beast was watching Commander Karter. “Better get a docile tabby. I don’t think the commander can handle a grumpy cat like Oscar. He’ll never get up off the floor.”
Commander Wothar laughed. Karter glared, then broke into a smile and their mate’s happy laughter floated down the hallway as I made my way back to the transport room.
I had a mate to return to. My mate. My heart. My everything.
Oscar purred in agreement as we made our way home.