Bonus Content: Rebel Mate

Zara, Planet Trion, The Oasis

White sand slipped between my toes, softer than any beach back home. A soft, cooling breeze tugged at the loose strands of hair my lady’s maid had left down to frame my face. The shimmering gold gown I wore helped my body, and my new adornments, to play peek-a-boo with my mate. Every time he groaned, I smiled.

The longer this visit took, the wilder he would be when we were finally alone again.

“Welcome to the Oasis, Isaak and Zara.” A gorgeous man with nearly black hair stood next to a woman I’d never met. She had red hair and kind brown eyes.  She was also several months pregnant. Her mate’s protective stance and happy smile told me everything I needed to know about the two of them.

“I am High Councilor Tark, and this I my mate, Eva.”

“Hello, Zara. I’m so excited to meet you. Welcome to Trion.” Eva’s smile was bright and I couldn’t help but smile back. I knew nothing about her except that she was the first human bride to come to Trion, she was dripping in adornments, and she was from Earth. Like me. Like all of the women here at this place in the middle of nowhere. This oasis in the desert.

The meeting was Isaak’s mating gift to me.

I moved forward to take Eva’s hand and Isaak followed behind me, always within reach, always protecting me. I could feel his eyes burning into the soft skin of my back. I’d chosen to drape the glittering diamonds of my longest chain behind my head to dangle between the bare vee on display by the soft fabric covering my shoulder blades. The rest of my chains hung from my new collar to form a triangle above my nipples. From there, a diamond shape emerged as they connected in a downward vee to my belly button piercing. Yeah, pretty nuts.

After that was a long, straight line of gold to my clit, every step reminding me of Isaak’s mouth and hands. His cock. The orgasms I’d been blessed with just a few hours ago.

On my forearms were at least two dozen sparkling diamond, sapphire and gold bracelets. Diamonds were the signature mark of Isaak’s family—which explained why his mother had been a walking sparkler, but he’d added blue-green gems lately, in honor of my eyes.

I was probably wearing half a million dollars of jewelry, by human standards. The bracelets were heavy on my arms. The collar around my neck a weight that grounded me, made me feel safe.

I wasn’t wearing gold and diamonds, I was wearing love. Devotion. Adoration. Isaak’s promise of forever. Combined with the soft, flowing gown that draped in layers to my ankles, I’d never felt more at peace.

Isaak’s hand came to rest at the small of my back and I leaned into the touch as he and Tark clasped forearms like gladiators in a movie. Behind us, another male voice boomed.

“Tark, you bastard. How did you beat us here?”

Turning, I spotted yet another gorgeous Trion male and his mate. She was so pretty with long black hair and dark eyes. I had no idea where she was from, but she looked as exotic as the huge male walking next to her.

She smiled. “Hi. I’m Mindy from Florida. And this big guy is Goran.”

“My lady, it is an honor. Isaak.” My mate held out his arm as well and the two males clasped forearms. I was surrounded by a lot of hot males and I smiled, not for the first time, more than happy I’d made the choice to volunteer to be a bride, despite the rough time I’d had getting settled. But Isaak was worth it.

More than worth it.

Eva’s soft laughter broke the males apart as she answered Goran’s question. “You actually rode the beasts, didn’t you?” She pointed and I looked over Mindy’s shoulder to see two large animals that looked similar to horses, if horses were covered in foot long hair. The creatures were happily munching on a bunch of purple, blue and red foliage that made the desert landscape look even more… alien.

“Of course.” Goran’s voice sounded suspicious. “We had a fair wager, Tark. Did you, perhaps, cheat?”

Tark’s grin was completely unrepentant. “I had to see to my mate prior to our trip. That made travel by the beasts impractical.”

“You mean to say, you didn’t want me riding the beasts and rattling the kid’s brains around on the way,” Eva countered.

Tark’s shoulders stiffened, but he was grinning. “I did not speak of rattling brains.”

Eva winked at me and I laughed, the first full burst of glee since I’d left home. Hell, since a long time before that.

Mindy looked around. “Where’s Natalie and Roark?”

To my surprise, Isaak answered. “They had some trouble with Noah, I believe.”

“Noah?” I asked.

“Their son. He just turned two and he’s so darn cute I can hardly stand it.” Mindy squeezed Goran’s hand and his eyes glazed over with contentment. I recognized that look. He loved his mate. Not just loved. Worshipped. Adored. Lived to touch her.

Like Isaak looked at me.

At that moment a hover craft appeared on the opposite side of the small pond at the center of the oasis. Moments later, a tall, willowy blonde stepped out from the craft, followed by a huge Trion male about the size of Tark.

They just did not make these guys small here.

In the male’s arms was the most adorable dark-haired toddler. He looked up at all of us, waved a pudgy hand and demanded to be put down.

Laughing, the male—Roark?—settled the little boy onto the sand and the young man took off at a dead run.

For two, he ran like a six-year-old. Fast. Steady. No wobbling.

When he crashed into my legs and wrapped his little arms around my thighs, I was laughing again.

“Hi,” I said. “Are you Noah?”

“I’m Noah. I told my momma I was going to hug you first. Because you’re from Earth, like us.”

I kneeled so our eyes met and smiled as my ovaries literally clenched with pure want. I wanted one of these cute, intelligent, mischievous little creatures. Maybe ten of them. “I’m from Earth. But I’m from Trion now, too. Just like you.”

He nodded but grew agitated when his parents drew near. “Hurry. Hug me!”

Demanding already. I squeezed him tight and laughed. Lifting my gaze to Isaak, I let my love for him shine bright and pure as I mouthed my request. I want one.

In seconds, the boy was gone, his arms replaced by my mates as he pulled me close and whispered in my ear. “You want a child, gara?” His words were nearly a whisper, wobbly, as if he was struggling to control his breathing.

“Yes. A little boy with your smile and your eyes, Isaak. I love you. I want everything with you.”

His arms shook as he held me, not letting go until Roark finally cleared his throat. “Excuse us for interrupting, but are you going to allow your mate up for air?”

Isaak pulled back, kissed me, long and hard and deep, until I was shaking nearly as much as he was. When I was clinging to him in order to stand, he turned to Roark.

“High Councilor Roark, Lady Natalie, this is my mate, Zara.”

“It’s so exciting to meet you! Another Earth girl.” Natalie swooped in and hugged me as if we’d been friends for decades.

Roark and Isaak clasped hands and Roark pulled Isaak away, Tark and Goran following them toward the where the two beasts were tethered.

We ladies were alone.

Standing in a circle, I looked from face to face. We were all smiling, glowing really, and dripping with adornments from our mates.

“I brought sandwiches,” Eva announced.

“I brought drinks,” Natalie said.

“I win.” Mindy walked a few paces to a small box that was sealed to protect whatever was inside. “I brought chocolate.”

“Oh my God.” The words burst from my lips before I could control myself, along with a groan of pleasure that had Isaak lifting his head, his eyes inspecting me in a way that made my pussy clench with heat. “I didn’t know we could get chocolate.”

Mindy grinned. “Those S-Gen things they have? Yeah, they do cook, but I bet Isaak has one in his house somewhere. You can order literally anything from Earth. Chocolate. Lasagna. Baguettes. Pie. Coffee. Strawberries. Watermelon. Literally, almost anything.” Mindy reached into the box and lifted a container filled to the brim with chocolate squares as the rest of us settled onto a thick blanket someone had spread out on the white sand. “Roark told me that when the leader of Prillon Prime and a few of their battlegroup commanders mated to human women, one of their mates convinced them to program Earth cuisine into the S-Gen machines. So, you can get whatever you want.”

Chocolate. All over Isaak’s body. That’s what I wanted. “Whipped cream?”

Eva burst into laughter, which had Tark raising his brow and inspecting us from afar. Protective. Obsessive. Perfect mates.

And Isaak was all mine.