Bonus Content – Surprise Mates

Lucy, Planet Viken, Trixon Resort

My cheeks were heated, and it definitely wasn’t from the warm, tropical air. Everywhere I looked, it was all about pleasure.

“Wow,” I whispered as we were led past a thatch hut where moans and the slap of flesh on flesh escaped. My imagination went very exciting places as flashes of Nik and Sam making similar sounds in our quarters made my breasts heavy and my heart race.

Sam’s hand was at the small of my back, the heat of that simple, possessive gesture making my pussy ache.

He must have sensed my feelings through our collars because he moved his hand to my hip and pulled my in close enough to whisper in my ear.

“Not yet, mate.” I was grinning when I glanced up at him. Teasing my mates was one of my all-time favorite things to do, because eventually they pounced. The corner of his lip turned up, but otherwise he showed no outward response to the fact that this place was insane.

Everywhere I looked males and their mates were very affectionate. The clothing they were varied from something that looked like leather—complete with all kinds of…toys—to gowns so transparent and soft I imagined they would literally melt away at either Sam’s or Nik’s first caress.

The grounds were gorgeous, more posh than any five-star resort on Earth. If I didn’t know we were on Viken, I’d swear we were on some private South Pacific island. Thick foliage and cascades of sweet smelling flowers masked the various small buildings that, from what our escort was telling us, each was devoted to a specific sexual interest, complete with instructors.

Instructors? For sex? How embarrassing.

Then again, maybe I’d learn something secret about my Prillon mates bodies and drive them absolutely wild with lust.

They’d be begging me for more, worshipping me like a goddess before they filled me and made me scream…

Nik growled and glanced over his shoulder at me in warning. Sam grabbed my hip again and purposely bumped my opposite hip with his arousal.

Me? Completely unrepentant. Being naughty was fun.

“On our right is the the oral pleasures hut.” Our guide, a Viken elder who had to be in his seventies, kept a straight face. How, I had no idea.

Oral pleasures?

I heard a distinctly female scream of pleasure and my pussy tingled at the idea that the sound would soon be coming from me.

Our guide pointed to the left. “That hut has every form of bondage you might desire and very experienced instructors for both male and female restraints to ensure maximum submission and pleasure.”

Tie up Sam? Or Nik? And have my wicked way with them?

O.M.G. YES! At least once.

Nik, ever the diplomat, nodded as if the guide was sharing an update on interplanetary relations but he did raise a brow at my surge of excitement. I grinned right back.

The guide led us down a stone path to our right that cut through the foliage. I had no idea where we were going, only that with every passing minute, I knew this place was soooo much more extravagant than the spa I planned to start. My spa would offer massages, but no happy endings. No orgasms. And definitely no sex instructors.

I was sure this place had a hut offering all three.

“These are your quarters for your stay. A guide to all of the resort’s offerings is on the bed. Everything is available for your enjoyment at no additional charge. If you need anything at all, contact me personally as I am dedicated to your visit at the Queen’s request. Queen Leah wishes you the most pleasurable of visits.” He gave Nik his contact information, bowed and left.

Sam guided me inside and I gasped at the suite of rooms that would be ours for the next few days.

The bed was massive, of course, and covered with the softest bedding I’d ever touched. The bed was draped in canopies and I felt like a real life princess when I sat to test the bounce. I sank into the pale green comfort and sighed.

“I see my choice was correct.”

“What choice?” I asked.

“The green brings out your eyes, mate. I think we shall make you keep your eyes open when you come.”

I shivered at the thought—and at the hit of pleasure the idea gave Sam as well. My pussy was already overheating.

Jeez, these collars were dangerous.

Nik was watching me with an intense pleasure that communicated easily through the collars. “Are you pleased, mate?”

“Very.” God, I loved these two warriors and I let the feeling fill me up until I was boiling over with it and both of my mates watched me with contentment in both their eyes and in the ping of love through our collars.

“What should we do first?” Sam asked.

“It’s been three whole hours since we had our hands on you,” Nik said, coming my way, completely unfazed by the fancy accommodations.

“You know I can’t make my spa like this,” I said as Nik pulled me to my feet. I allowed him to undo the ties on my dress so it slithered down my body to pool on the rug that covered a very extravagant marble-looking floor.

“You can’t be sure until we experience every aspect of the resort,” Nik said, running a finger absently over my collar. Ever since they’d claimed me and it changed blue, he could hardly stop staring at it. Touching it.

Touching me.

Sam moved in behind me so their heat surrounded me. “I agree. We shall keep you naked our entire stay.”

I whipped my head around to look up at Sam. “No way. I’m not walking around here butt naked.”

Nik used his fingers to turn my face back to him. “Your body is for us alone. We shall cover you between huts, but within, you shall be bare.”

I loved the deep timbre of his voice, the promise the words offered. I even liked the small bite of command.

“Our mate likes that,” Sam said. He moved away then, into the bedroom and returned with a sturdy piece of paper. “I felt your eagerness to try the oral pleasures hut. We shall go there first. Second though…” He glanced down the list. “Toys.”


Nik snatched the list, looked over it. “There is a hut for double penetration.”

My mouth fell open. “We’ve already… I mean what can… oh God.”

“We have three days here, mate. We are going to make the most of it,” Nik practically vowed. “And you.”

I felt a blast of their desire, knew we’d only participate in sexual activities that turned us on. But I wasn’t used to a place that put it all out there, offered any form of sexual pleasure mates could want.

“I’m not making a sex spa,” I reminded.

“Mate, you’ve missed the point of Queen Leah’s generous gift.”

I frowned at Nik. “This is a research trip. For the spa.”

Sam moved to stand beside Nik, my two mates looming over me. “You may name it whatever you wish, but it is a… what’s the Earth term? Honeymoon?”

My mouth fell open. “This is our honeymoon?”

I looked around. It was the nicest suite in the most beautiful setting.

“Do humans not have sex constantly on their honeymoon?” Nik asked.

“I’ve never been married, but I guess.”

“Well, we will be having sex constantly on ours. The Trixon Resort caters to lovers. We shall satisfy every sexual craving you have.”

“Or might discover,” Sam added.

I flushed even warmer, even though I was bare.

Both Sam and Nik practically growled at my need that they picked up through the collars.

“Bare. I want you bare too. Now.” I practically clawed at their clothes.

“No, mate,” Nik said, taking my hands in his. Sam went to collect a robe from a peg by the door. He slipped it over my shoulders. “Not yet. In the oral pleasures hut.”

“Oh yes,” I breathed, thinking of all the possibilities of that.

Sam scooped me up, tossed me over his shoulder and carried me right back out of our quarters.

“Every hut,” Nik said.

“Um, mates?” I asked, and I felt my embarrassment clawing its way through me, but if we were going to explore, then I wanted to go all out.

“Yes, love?” Sam answered as Nik stared.

“That bondage hut?”

“Yes?” Nik’s tone suggested he was becoming suspicious.

“I’ll make you two a deal,” I said.

Sam began to laugh as Nik scowled.

“I do not like the sound of this, mate.”

This was my pitch, so I’d better make it good. “I want to—” Why was it so damn hard to tell these two what I wanted? They’d had me naked and in every sexual position imaginable.

“I believe our mate is longing for some control, Niklas.” Leave it to Sam to figure out what I was too embarrassed to speak.

I looked up from my position over Sam’s shoulder to find Nik’s gaze on me a moment before pure lust blasted me through the collars. Clawing, aching, need.

“Is that a yes?”

“I love you, Lucy.” Nik’s voice had dropped to an even lower timbre.

“As do I.” Sam’s hand caressed the back of my thigh was both of their emotions came through the collars and flooded my eyes with happy tears.

“I love you, too.” I meant both of them, and they knew it.

Nik cleared his throat. “What do you plan to do to us, mate?”

My smile was pure sex and lust and love and want. “Anything I want.”

He smiled. “We shall see, mate.”

“She needs, we provide, Niklas.” Sam’s hand was on my ass now, taunting me with his proximity to my core. Was I ever going to get enough of them?

No. The answer was no.

To my surprise, Nik reached up and lifted my cheek with the palm of his hand. “We are yours, Lucy. Yours to command.”

I turned my head to kiss his palm. Yes, Nik was mine. Sam was mine. Forever.