Bonus Content- The Commanders’ Mate

Erica, Battleship Karter, Level 3, Corridor 7, three weeks after the Hive defeat…
“You are crazy! Karter is going to kill us for this.” Infamous I.C. commander Chloe Phan whizzed by me on her Coalition Fleet, super-special, one-of-a-kind, S-Gen-created longboard, black hair flying behind her like a whip even though there was no wind.
“You aren’t supposed to go fifty miles an hour, Chloe!” I yelled at her as I pushed one foot down on the floor, trying to keep up on my own pseudo-skateboard. Impossible, since I was almost a foot taller and a lot heavier, but I laughed and tried like hell to grab onto the back of her shirt.
Cheat to win was my new motto.
Success! Grabbing the back of her uniform as she whizzed past, I pulled her back, next to me, then behind me as we sped through an open door and into a large storage room we’d emptied out for our private version of the X-Games.
“That’s cheating, mate.” Ronan’s voice startled me into letting Chloe go and she beat me to the turn around a waist-high table we were using to mark the end of a lap.
“Damn it, Chloe!” I shouted.
“You can’t catch me, I’m a badass bitch.” The Earth slang made me laugh as I tried, unsuccessfully, to grab hold of her again before she could dart back out into the corridor.
Instead, Ronan grabbed hold of me about the waist, plucking me off my own board and into his arms.
“Put me down. I can still catch her.” I was laughing at the lie. She was small, freakishly fast, and smart. I didn’t stand a chance, but it was still fun.
“And what do you think Kaed will say about this new addition to the betting pools on his battleship, female? You do realize that the medical station has treated two twisted ankles and a broken arm.”
“What?” I looked up into the golden face and eyes of the male I adored to distraction. He didn’t answer. He kissed me. Not just kissed. Devoured. My pussy was instantly wet, my entire body attuned to his, to the need building inside him, to the pleasure he felt at seeing me playing. Happy.
God, I loved my mates.
I was still stunned, at least two minutes later, when he lifted his head and stared into my eyes. When Chloe whizzed back by us, taking the turn for lap two, she whistled at us, then shot off like a rocket. Her whoop of joy echoed from the corridors, as did the sound of her skateboard’s wheels rolling at dangerous speeds down the longest corridor we could find on the battleship. Wrapping my arms around Ronan, I thought we were alone.
Except we weren’t. Another door slid open and there stood Commander Karter, my primary mate, with Seth, Dorian, Dara, little Christopher and what appeared to be half the officers who should be on the command deck.
Ronan lifted his head from the crook of my neck and chuckled. “Just couldn’t resist?”
Kaed laughed. “Don’t blame this on me.” The commander lifted a thumb in the direction of someone I was shocked to see entering the room, the Atlan Commander, Warlord Wulf.
“No fucking way.” Dorian was laughing, which made his son, Christopher, squeal with glee. “Chloe will destroy you, Atlan. You’re too slow.”
Warlord Wulf grinned, his facing going partial beast at the challenge. “We shall see, Captain. We shall see.” Wulf walked over to the abandoned skateboard and set the front wheels on the starting line, next to the table, at the turn.
Kaed came to stand next to me, his arm around my waist, Ronan’s around my shoulders as the rest of the cheering section filled in. When Chloe returned, she came to an abrupt halt at first sight of the new crowd.
“What’s all this?” she asked.
Seth Mills, her mate, carried little Dara to where she stood and they both leaned in to kiss her, one pair of lips on each of Chloe’s cheeks.
Dara informed her mother of the new developments. “Mommy, Wulf wants to race you.”
The smile that spread across the small woman’s face was pure glee. I almost felt sorry for the warlord. He had no idea what he was getting himself into. “Oh, he does, does he?”
Smiling openly, I watched Warlord Wulf’s eyes narrow as the little girl glared at him, completely unfazed by his attention. “You are faster, Mommy. You will win.”
Dorian burst out laughing at his daughter’s audacity to challenge the Atlan. To his credit, Wulf was a total gentleman, the smile he had for the little girl not the least bit frightening. “I am very fast, little one. Faster than your mother.”
“No, you aren’t. My mommy is the fastest in the universe.” Dara’s green eyes narrowed in a glare of her own. “She’s so fast, even the ship can’t catch her. Not even the stars.” She leaned her head into Seth’s shoulder with complete contentment. “Right, Daddy?”
“Right.” Seth Mills, a human ReCon captain, escorted Chloe to the starting line. She looked like a breakable China doll next to the huge warrior. I was worried, just a bit, and my mates felt my concern through the mating collars. Kaed leaned down and breathed a kiss into my ear.
“Don’t worry love, he would never hurt a female.” His hand skimmed down my hip, gripped my ass as lust—and love—flooded me. “But I might do some damage of my own… when this race is over.”
Ronan leaned down, whispering in my opposite ear. “Your primary mate is creating a stir, Erica.”
He referred to the huge erection in the front of Kaed’s pants, and I didn’t even try to hide the delighted smile that spread across my face, making the skin so tight my cheeks hurt. God, these males were insatiable. And so was I.
“Hurry up, you two.” I looked from Chloe—who nodded—to Wulf. “Three laps. No tripping.”
Wulf crossed his arms, disdain clearly written on his face. “I would never…”
Chloe took off like a rocket and was already at the door before Wulf recovered.
“That is cheating!” His bellow of challenge made my ears hurt. Dara covered her ears with her hands, baby Christopher looked startled, but when his father began to laugh, he did, too.
Slowly, with exaggerated caution, Dara lowered her hands. Her whisper was overly loud. “I told him, Daddy. Mommy is too fast for him.”
We all laughed.
“Yes, love, she is,” Seth assured his daughter.
After that race, there was another. And another. The racing lasted for hours. The ReGen wand treated two more broken arms, a broken wrist, three sprained knees and a cut lip.
The warriors didn’t play so nicely when a female racer wasn’t on the track. In fact, cheating became the new standard.
When I’d laughed until my stomach hurt, my mates dragged me back to my quarters and made my body ache in all the right places. When they took me together, filling me with their seed and their love, I took it all in and marveled at what my life had become.
At the new life hopefully growing sometime soon in my body.
At my family.
I was home.