Bonus Content – The Rebel And The Rogue

Zenos of Astra Legion

“You’ll never catch me!” I bellowed as I scrambled over the makeshift beach we’d spent the last hour putting together with little Scylla, her brother, Nero, and half a dozen other children. All of them were under the age of eight and were now chasing me. Yelling.


My mate was among them, her long hair flying behind her like she truly was a pirate on the large blue oceans of her world. When I played with the little ones in the past, we were always space pirates with blasters. Ivy had brought a whole new adventure to the game.

Ships on water. Mermaids. Swords and a horrible contraption called a ‘peg leg’ that Scylla had insisted was the best, most powerful scar of all.

There was also a terrible giant, something hideous and horrifying called a giant squid. Ivy had used the S-Gen machine to create an attachment I now wore on my back, a costume of sorts. I had at least ten extra arms and legs, swinging over my head and behind me in an arc as I jumped and roared at every child in turn, sending them running with a squeal. Most ended up hiding behind my Ivy’s long, sexy legs.

She wore tight black pants and a billowing white shirt with tantalizing ties at the top. One sharp tug and those breasts would be—

“Giant squid don’t roar, Zenos.” Ivy informed me of this fact with Nero on her hip, his small pirate sword—blunt tipped and made of soft material—aimed at my head. His scowl was fierce for a three-year-old, and he pointed the business end of his weapon in my direction.

“This one does,” I countered.

To prove my point, I leaped for my female. Just like the children, she let out a yelp and scrambled. Setting little Nero down, the chase began in earnest with the children yelling encouragement at one or both of us.

“Get her, Zenos!”

“Run, Ivy!”

Mostly, the laughed and chased after me. I knew where this was going, and I couldn’t wait to feel my mate’s soft body beneath mine, see the light shining in her eyes as she smiled. Played.

With one final roar I caught her around the waist and whirled her around my head, high in the air. She was fearless, and she loved every second of it. She told me so every time we finished our play. With the way she couldn’t wait to rip my clothing from my body after these play dates, as she called them, I had made a point of setting them up with the young ones’ parents as often as possible.

“Surrender, Pirate Ivy!” I held her high overhead as she laughed. “Surrender, or face the wrath of the giant squid!”


“We’ll save you, Ivy!” Scylla waved her play sword in my direction. “You put her down, giant. Right now. She is the best, bravest pirate ever to sail the six seas.”

“Seven,” whispered Ivy.

Scylla straightened. “The seven seas. You will release her at once.”

“I shall not! I demand a bounty.”

Nero and the other children crowded close. They all knew where this was going, just as Ivy did. I heard her breath catch in anticipation. I would demand a bounty, a kiss. And as the children squealed and danced around us, I would kiss my female in front of all of them, showing them how a proper male treated his mate. With tenderness, and a little fun. Playful.

And later, the way I would pound into her body with my hard cock and make her beg for release? That they would learn when they came of age and claimed a mate of their own.

Scylla scowled up at me. She had been named the pirate ship’s captain today and had not just a peg leg but a strange hook strapped on the end of her wrist where her hand should be. I really needed to ask Ivy more about these pirates on her world.

Scylla placed her hand—and her hook—on her hips, considering. “And what do you want, big ‘ol mean giant?”

“Nothing much,” I insisted. “A kiss from the bravest, fiercest, most beautiful pirate among you.”

“I will talk to the other pirates.” Scylla turned away from me with a very serious frown on her face. The other children gathered around her in a huddle of giggles and eager looks as I held Ivy in the air. She was so slight, my human. I could hold her there for days. If not for her scent, which filled my mind—and my cock—with other ideas.

“You are so bad, Zenos. Why not ask for jewels or something?” Ivy whispered down to me but stayed poised over my head, content to be held in place for our play.

I took the opportunity to look up into her gaze and made myself speak the truth. “There is nothing in this universe more valuable to me than you. Nothing.”

Her cheeks turned pink and her gaze softened with desire. “I’m going to kiss the hell out of you when you let me down, mate.”

“Do not,” I ordered. I was a male who had waited years for a mate. If she kissed me as she said, I would scandalize these children.

She licked her lips, gaze full of mischief as Scylla and the other children came back to us.

“We have agreed, giant. You may have your kiss.”

Slowly, I settled Ivy on her feet and knelt on the floor before the young pirate captain. “At your leisure, Scylla. I will accept my kiss right here.” I pointed to my right cheek and Scylla’s smile would outshine any sun.


“Are you not the bravest, fiercest and most beautiful pirate this day?” I glanced to Ivy for confirmation as Nero pushed his sister forward.

“She is indeed,” Ivy agreed.

Holding her little brother’s hand, Scylla pushed up onto the tips of her toes to place a light kiss on my cheek.

I leaped to my feet and threw off the ridiculous array of extra arms, or tentacles, or whatever the fuck Ivy had said they were. “I am free of the curse! No longer a giant squid!”

The children erupted into cheers as Ivy slid in close to me. She lifted her smiling face to mine. “I’ll take a kiss, too, from my fearless, honorable, sexy mate.”

“Just one?”

She grabbed my hand and waved good-bye to the children as she pulled me from the room. I knew that look in her eye. “Maybe more than one.”