Bonus Content – Viken Command

Viken Command, Bonus Content
Whitney, Battleship Zeus
Anxiety held me spellbound as I stared out at nothing… and everything. The universe. The galaxy. I didn’t really know, but the shuttle landing area where I waited with Alarr was buzzing with activity as we all awaited the return of the I.C. operations unit. I wasn’t anticipating the team that had gone out to track Hive Scouts on an asteroid in Sector 438, I was waiting on my mates, on Oran and Teig. My family.
“Captain Oran reports three prisoners, Commander.” A large Prillon warrior spoke across the large open space and Alarr’s firm hand twitched in reaction where it rested on my hip. His warm strength was at my back as we waited together.
“Is that good or bad?” I asked him, glancing up and over my shoulder.
“Good, mate. Very, very good, but also dangerous.”
I understood. Three prisoners meant my mates, Oran and Teig, had captured a Hive unit of three. They’d told me the enemy always moved around in threes. The Coalition didn’t know why, at least not yet. Only the foot soldiers were like that. Apparently, the Hive leaders were blue creatures known as Nexus Units and they didn’t need a group. They were the only Hive that operated alone.
Maybe not alone, as Alarr had told me they believed the Nexus Units controlled all the rest of them. That’s why we were here, in this small space. The main launch sites were massive. This one would only hold a handful of smaller ships. My mates had told me it had been built with specific magnetic alloys that would block Hive communications. This was where Commander Zeus had the prisoners brought with every mission, and this was where they stayed until he was finished with them. The sides of the area were lined with prison cells and other rooms I had no desire to see.
On the opposite side of the small landing area, Commander Zeus gave orders to a team of Coalition warriors, all from Prillon Prime, and all several inches taller than the commander. Not that one noticed, because his presence was like a power surge running through everyone in the area. I’d heard he was half human and I saw the difference in the slightly softer lines of his face when compared to the others. He was also just under seven feet tall, where most of the others were at least seven feet, or a couple inches taller. Huge. Epically huge. What he lacked in height—and he was still enormous—he made up for in rage. I didn’t know where the rage came from, but I was oddly grateful for his intensity. My mates had told me the last battleship in this sector, Battleship Varsten, had been destroyed by a surprise Hive attack.
I doubted anything could surprise this commander, and for that, I was grateful.
My mates had taken my need to know the truth literally and had demanded permission to tell me details about every mission they were assigned. Part of me didn’t want to know, wanted to be a scared little girl curled up in a ball with my head under the covers. Now I understood what Leah had said, that she was content to be ignorant in some things. That was the old me though. The new me, the stronger me, was grateful for the knowledge, for the trust my mates placed in me in telling me the truth. Always the truth whether that asshole Doctor Helion liked it or not. That was one Prillon warrior I could live without ever speaking to again. One comm call had been enough to make me want to strangle his arrogant neck for the way he talked to my mates—and I’d told him as much.
The doctor had laughed at my outrage. Alarr, Oran and Teig had been pleased with my “adorable” need to try to protect them.
I’d had five orgasms that night. I hoped for more tonight, after my mates returned to me.
The truth was that at this moment, Oran and Teig were with a ReCon unit made of the smaller races, Viken, Human and Everian, on their way back from a neighboring sector where a Hive superweapon had been suspected to be hidden. Alarr had remained behind this time. One of my mates always stayed with me, which made the waiting bearable, but still difficult. I worried. I missed my mates. I didn’t feel complete unless my entire family was safe and home.
A loud tone sounded and crews on the ground scrambled to be in place as the shuttle landed. Prillon warriors moved into position outside the ship to accept the Hive prisoners. Alarr’s hand moved from my waist to run up and down my spine over the fitted gown, the style of which I had grown to love. Lined with some kind of synthetic fur, it was soft and feminine, fitted on top but flowing around my ankles as I walked. The dress was warm. Outer space was cold, but I’d grown up with New York winters and this was nothing. Especially with three hot hunks in bed with me at night.
I missed the sun and the breeze on my face. I missed the smell of the ocean, but my mates promised we would return to Viken United every chance we could for vacation, and that was good enough for me. I wanted my mates a lot more than I needed sand between my toes.
The shuttle door popped open and I held my breath as the ramp lowered. Alarr’s hand rose to rest along the back of my neck and I leaned into him for comfort. My mates were back, but I didn’t know if they were injured. I never knew until they walked off the ship. Once, Alarr had needed to spend several hours in a ReGen pod and I’d sat next to him the entire time, waiting, sick to my stomach at the wounds I’d seen on his leg. Horrible wounds.
He’d stepped out of that special pod a new man. Healed. Horny. He’d taken me right there in the medical station, after which, Oran and Teig had felt the need to make up for the fact that they’d been left out of the fun.
I’d barely slept for two days after that, my body buzzing with Seed Power. I’d demanded every touch, every kiss, every one of them near me to make up for the horror of Alarr’s injury. I was not an Army wife or the wife of a police officer or fireman. This danger thing was new to me, but the you’re-home-safe sex was off the charts.
The Hive were shoved down the ramp by several members of the ReCon unit. Commander Zeus walked up to the leader—somehow he could always tell which one of the three was the one in charge—and wrapped his hand around the Hive Soldier’s neck.
“Welcome to Battleship Zeus, Soldier.” Commander Zeus squeezed the enemy’s neck and lifted him straight up into the air with that one hand until the Hive’s feet dangled beneath him. I’d seen this before and was no longer shocked when the Hive didn’t react, just hung there like a sack of potatoes, said nothing. Did nothing. It was like the Hive was a corpse already.
“Welcome? We are not welcome here, Commander.” The voice was Hive, but unlike anything I’d ever heard before. Commander Zeus dropped the Hive Soldier he held and turned faster than I’d ever seen him move to stare at the source of that voice.
Alarr craned his neck to see and all movement in the room stopped.
The Hive who’d spoken walked forward, hands in restraints, but head held high. I gasped. She was human. Or at least, she used to be. Human and very beautiful, like a runway model straight out of Paris. Were it not for the Hive silver shining under her skin, I would have given her a hug and been thrilled to see her out here, so far from home.
A human. A woman. She wasn’t acting like a Hive. Not like one I’d seen before. She was… different.
Commander Zeus froze as well and I tried to imagine his shock.
Seconds later, I no longer cared about the drama playing out with this unexpected enemy for my mates walked off the ship, healthy, whole, and smiling as they rushed to me.
I held out my arms and leaped at both of them, caught between them as I knew I would be. Alarr came up behind me and gripped both of them by the shoulder as I planted wild kisses on their cheeks, necks, lips. Whatever I could reach. “You’re home. Thank God, you’re home.”
“We will always come home to you, mate,” Oran promised. He kissed me then, hard and deep, leaving me breathless.
When I could breathe, I turned to Teig and used every trick he’d taught me to kiss him, leave him in the same state. “Always, mate,” he confirmed.
I shook my head. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep. I’m just glad you’re home now.” I wasn’t stupid. I knew my mates were the outer space equivalent of Navy SEALs. I knew what they did was dangerous. I knew one of them could be seriously hurt.
Alarr’s hand rubbed my ass through the dress as Oran’s hand twisted in my hair, immobilizing me.
That fast, my pussy was wet, my skin burning where Alarr’s heat burned through the dress. Teig leaned in, his hot breath landing on my cheek and ear like a physical touch. “We haven’t had a proper welcome, mate.”
And by proper welcome, I knew he meant all three of them fucking me, stretching me open, making me burn. Filling me with Seed Power until I screamed and passed out between them from the pleasure. “Yes. Yes. Now.”
Oran grinned at me. “Yes to what, Whitney?”
My eyes closed and melted, going limp. “I love you, mates. Just yes.”
Alarr growled and lifted me into his arms. Oran and Teig followed close behind as he carried me back to our quarters. Yes. Yes, to life. Yes, to love. Just… yes.